My Boyfriend ‘Forgets’ His Credit Card Every Time We Go Out To Eat, So.. Continue Reading Below First Comment…👇👇👇

The woman then turned to Reddit to find out if she was wrong for how she reacted to the situation. Netizens weighed in on her situation, telling her what they thought of her boyfriend.

A confused woman with her hands pointed up, The woman was concerned about how she acted because she had done so in front of her boyfriend’s children, and he told her she was selfish for not considering them.

The woman shared that her boyfriend’s children loved eating at restaurants, so they went out with them once a week. However, each time they went out to eat, her boyfriend would accidentally “forget” his card at home. Each time her boyfriend forgot his card, the woman would be forced to pay the bill.

Initially, it didn’t bother her, but she said she had been left broke as she had paid for dinner many times in the previous month.One night, the woman had just received payment from her second part-time job, and she and her boyfriend were going to dinner with his children again.

Knowing that he often “forgot” his wallet, she sent him a text reminding him to bring it. Her boyfriend laughed the text off. When they arrived at the restaurant, her boyfriend’s children ordered many new things off the menu, which the woman said were relatively pricey. Before they dove into their meals, the woman asked her boyfriend about his wallet to ensure he had remembered to bring it this time around. When she asked about it, her boyfriend had a shocked expression and patted his pockets, looking for the wallet.

After searching for his wallet for a while, he looked at the woman with an ashamed expression and said, “Guess I forgot it in the other pair of jeans that I thought I was going to wear.”The woman’s boyfriend asked her if she could pay for dinner this time, but the woman had had enough and grabbed her things, ready to leave the restaurant without getting the chance to eat dinner.

When her boyfriend saw that the woman was leaving, he demanded to know what she was doing and where she was going. She told him she was not prepared to pay for him and his children again and walked out of the restaurant.Later, the woman’s boyfriend phoned her to tell her she was selfish for leaving him and his children in that situation.

The woman responded that she would not pay for him and his children each time they went on a date because she didn’t feel it was fair.The man yelled that he had forgotten his wallet and that she had shown no sympathy for him and his children. He also told her he had to cancel their food order and take his children home hungry because he could not afford their meals.

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