The father takes a picture of his daughter next to a horse. On closer inspection, he cannot believe what he sees! See in the first comment 👇👇

Whether it’s a baptism, wedding, vacation, or any other daily event, photos are an excellent way to immortalize any memory, more or less pleasant. “I want to see you smiling,” exclaims every photographer, making their subjects appear happy regardless of their mood.

With a little effort, a photographer will obtain an amazing photo for their personal collection – but if they are truly lucky, they will capture a frame that everyone will talk about for days on end.

Exactly what happened in the case of this little girl, when an ordinary day with family turned her into a celebrity alongside her equine friend.

According to Time Magazine, the photograph was initially uploaded to the Reddit platform – and it caused a sensation. This girl was enjoying a beautiful day in a festive setting, spending time with her family alongside the Clydesdale horses that galloped as if ready for a parade.

She probably spent some time around these majestic creatures, a little afraid to get closer. When she gathered her courage, the girl stood in front of this impressive stallion, waiting for the camera flash.

“Smile,” her father said from behind the camera. It was the moment when the camera shutter clicked, and the scene was immortalized…

Certainly, the result was not exactly what the father and the rest of the family were expecting! When they reviewed the photo, the father couldn’t believe what a wonderful scene had been captured.

The Clydesdale breed originates from Scotland, and those that belong to it are heavy draft horses with a strong personality, but also exceptionally intelligent – a feature that is quite evident, in case this stallion ended up grinning on command!

After being posted online, this photo went viral, even being considered one of the best photos of 2016 by the BuzzFeed website – and we are sure that the girl’s family enjoys this image as much as we do!

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